Maternity care in New Zealand

Maternity care in New Zealand is free for all New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and for some women on extended visas. Partners of New Zealand citizens and permanent residents are also entitled to free maternity care.

There may be charges for antenatal or childbirth education classes, and some tests at a private laboratory. There may also be charges for some ultrasound scans.

Pregnancy tests

We can confirm your pregnancy for you, free of charge from our clinic rooms during business hours - feel free to just pop on in. You can use this link to a pregnancy calculator to find out your estimated due date if you wish.

Keeping yourself well

Listen to your body and its very real need for rest. In the first weeks of your pregnancy, try and get plenty of sleep and rest. Increase your fruit and vegetables as much as you are able to and try for at least half an hour of exercise and fresh air per day. Walking, pushing a buggy, swimming, even housework are all good ways to stay fit and strong. Pregnancy hormones can affect your joints, so maybe avoid taking up a new or strenuous sport during this time. This is the perfect time to stop smoking (talk to your midwife about referral to our Smoking Cessation colleagues). Drinking alcohol and/or drug use is not recommended at all during pregnancy. Please talk to your midwife if you have questions/concerns about this.

Our midwifery care

Aoraki midwifery care meets Ministry of Health requirements.

Your first (booking) appointment

The first trimester (first 12 weeks) is important for getting to know you and setting up the health of your pregnancy, so we recommend you book early (ideally by 8 weeks) so that we can organise your antenatal blood tests, first scan and pregnancy supplements if required.

This first appointment is about getting to know you and setting up our partnership for your pregnancy care. There will be lots of information sharing around your health including previous births, family health history (if known) as well as answering any questions you may have. Your partner or a friend or family member is welcome to attend with you, if you wish.

Your Pregnancy/Tō Hapūtanga

Healthy eating for pregnant women


Your labour and birth care

In your third trimester, we start to discuss your thoughts and wishes for your upcoming labour and birth (your birth plan).

Aoraki midwives provide complete continuity of care during your labour and birth, including secondary care eg, epidural. This means you will always be under the care of an Aoraki midwife. Some LMCs provide primary care only.

Secondary maternity care is when a circumstance arises which takes your labour or birth beyond the normal, physiological process. For example; induction of labour, epidural pain relief, caesarean section.

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Image credit Karl_Foley_Photography

Your antenatal care

At your booking visit, we will work out our plan for your antenatal care.

We will usually see you approximately monthly until 28 weeks, then fortnightly until 36 weeks, then weekly until your baby is born (we may visit you at home for one of your late pregnancy visits.)

If required, you may be seen more often. In South Canterbury you are entitled to visit an obstetrician at 20 and 36 weeks if you wish. Just ask your midwife and she can arrange this.

With your consent, we can refer you to support agencies if needed.


Your postnatal care

You can choose to go home from delivery suite (usually 2 hours after the placenta is born), or have a postnatal stay in Jean Todd. We will see you daily while you are in there to ensure you are getting off to a good start.

All postnatal visits are generally at your home. We will visit you within 24 hours of discharge, as needed in the first week, and then usually weekly until 4-6 weeks.

Our postnatal care is all about supporting and assessing you and your newborn baby’s health and wellbeing. We can link you with supports in your community where needed, at your request and with your permission.

When your baby is two weeks old we will, with your permission, refer you both to the Well Child Tamariki Ora provider of your choice, and your family doctor or GP.

In South Canterbury you have the choice of Plunket or Arowhenua Whanau Services for Well Child Tamariki Ora care.

Eating for Healthy Breastfeeding Women/Ngā Kai Totika mā te Ūkaipō


‘Its not just the making of babies, but the making of mothers that midwives see as the miracle of birth.’ Barbara Katz Rothman